Outcome over output

The right solution for the right context.

* Introducing a new brand identity.

A finger on the right pulse

Helping organisations improve their reach, processes and offerings through better use of design and technology.


Facilitating desired outcomes through managing messy dynamics between all interconnected parts/people (whether hidden or not).


There are always many facets to a context (and many perspectives for each). Betterment often involves many.


Focusing not just on commercial relationship (customer), or direct use of a product (user), but on all who/which might be impacted.


Designing (for) outcomes, means being clear about the desired/expected behaviour changes we are after, and open to the unexpected.

The process

Never settle for a solution until we all have a good sense of the context, constraints and desired outcomes.

What for, for whom

Align on initial set of assumptions (what do we think we know, what do we need to know). Go beyond initially stated needs to unearth possible opportunities.

Why, why not

Agree and align on the problem to focus on and the desired outcome. Explore various approaches to value creation. Set clear success metrics.

What, how

Describe clearly the concept to be implemented. Manage the learnings and blockers appearing during and after implementation.

Working with non-profit organisations

Continuously exploring the many layers of 'making the world a better place'.

Helped SFSC create online parenting courses for a world with more confident parents, happy children, healthy communities.

Facilitated the reframing of CWR strategic goals, to better leverage speed, safety, cost-effectiveness of repurposing research.

Design & technical support for an organisation and its partners tackling social inequalities on a wide scale.

Mentor for Hope Ideathon, organized by INC Research and CISCRP: “Together, let's raise greater awareness of clinical trials”.